Friday, February 27, 2009

Best Wordpress Design Award

I recently joined the newest contest about Wordpress Designs, were you can get $200 as grand prize for every category. Since I recently made a “simple” theme for my blog, I’m gonna join under “Clean & Minimalist” category. This is the simplest theme I ever made since I started web designing. Anyways, here’s the requirements on how to join the contest:

1. Write a blog post (or announcement) about joining the Best WordPress Design Award (and mention which category you are joining) in your website.
2. Submit your URL in the comment form here. (trackback works too)
3. Done!

The deadline for submitting your entries is until March 22, 2009.

Win Ipod Shuffle or 50$ Cash, etc.

AnotherMMOBlog is having their contest, you can get Ipod Shuffle or $50 Paypal sponsored by AnotherMMOblog.

Ad Spots:
One Month 125×125 Ad Spot on
One Month 125×125 Ad Spot on
One Month 125×125 Ad Spot on
One Month 125×125 Ad Spot on

Other cool prizes:
125×125 Custom Banner Design by
468×60 Custom Banner Design by
3 x One Year VIP Memberships to
All Entrecard Credits I have from this site

There are various entries to join the contest like making a blogpost, subscribing via RSS feeds, submitting their posts to other social sites like digg, SU, etc.

The deadline for this contest is until March 27, 2009. Get more details about the contest here

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Win $100 from TechXav’s First Giveaway

TechXav is having their first ever giveaway to celebrate the new launch of his blog.

Here’s are the prizes that you’ll get:

1st Prize: US$50
2nd Prize: US$30
3rd Prize: US$20

There are various entries to join in this competition like subscribing via RSS/email, making a blogposts, answering a short quiz.

For more details, visit TechXav’s website.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Win PS3 or NVIDI Geforce

GameZReviews is having their contest, giving away NVIDIA Geforce 260 GTX graphics card or a PlayStation 3. Amazing right?

There are various entries to join the contest by making a blogposts, digging & stumbleupon their post, subscribe via email, etc.

The contest will ends on April 4, 2009 UK time. For more details, check it here.